Sunday, 23 January 2011

Bit of a quiet one today

Lyndhurst was a bit quiet today, some were just looking, I guess that's January for you.  I did however manage to make enough to cover the table costs and a tiny bit of profit, so all was good.  Had one customer complain about the price of the glasses cases :-(, so I politely pointed out to her that my lovely Grannie makes them by hand (and to be honest, I think they are worth at least double what I sell them for, but I feel that with the pile it high, cheap mass produced tat that some are looking for, I wouldn't sell them at that price, more's the pity).

Here are some pictures of the stall today:

Both of the cat cushions went today to a new home :-)  and we're off to Hansons at Sturminster Newton tomorrow to see if they sell panels of animals so I can make more cushions aimed at children as they do seem to sell well.

A couple of the other stallholders were really helpful today too.  They advised me to go to the crafty stores in town with a selection of my things to see if they would be interested in selling them, so I will be thinking seriously about putting the plan into action and seeing what comes of it, whilst still having a regular stall at Lyndhurst to keep getting my name out there.  World domination will come my way one day lol.

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